High-level Dinner in ‘Celebrating Women Empowered’ Organized by CAWEE
CAWEE & the French Presidential Council Hosted a Side Event in Addis Ababa
The International Women Entrepreneurs Day 2015
CAWEE Members Took Preparatory Training to Travel for a Trade Mission to Denmark
CAWEE Members in Coffee, Leather, Gemstone and Jewellery Sectors Took Part in Trade Missions in Denmark
Economically Empowering Young Women through the Provision of Skills Training & Facilitating Employment Opportunities
Nigest Haile, Founder & Executive Director of CAWEE received “Women Stop Hunger Award” from Stop Hunger International in Paris, France
Women in Export Met Trainees in Hand-weaving
Project Graduation and Hand-over Ceremony in Axsum
Mini-Exhibition Of Hand Woven Products
Visit of H. E. Ban Ki-moon
Leather Training At TVET
ACCESS! Training I
Gemstone Graduation
2nd Round Skills Training in Leather
CAWEE Signed MoU with AAW