Durban IATF Ethiopian Delegation Members Took Preparatory Training

Ethiopian Delegation members of the Durban, South Africa, Intra-African Trade Fair (IATF) were involved in a two days preparatory training, November 9-10, 2021, organized by GIZ AU Program Support to AfCFTA and CAWEE. Those seven CAWEE member companies (ABKA Leather, Boqa Leather, Dehab Coffee, Linu Leather, Paradise Fashion, Mesgana Shoes, MGHH) are involved in five main sectors: Agribusiness (Coffee), Textiles/Garment (home & fashion accessories), Leather (fashion accessories), Gemstones & Jewellery and shoes.

                              Participants during the Training at the Hilton Hotel, Addis Ababa

The training was conducted virtually (the trainer being from Nairobi, Kenya) all the seven companies and the concerned CAWEE and GIZ AU Program Support to AfCFTA also took part. The main issue areas covered during the training were:

  • The AfCFTA (basics, challenges and opportunities);

  • Practical tools to assess opportunities under the AfCFTA;

  • The ABC’s of exporting;

  • Effective participation in trade fairs;

  • Communication on your products;

  • Summary of takeaways.  

Beyond the Ethiopian delegation participants that were physically involved in the training, the training was as well open to participants virtually where CAWEE partners from Kenya, Rwanda and South Africa took part.

                                              The Virtual Training in Progress 

The preparatory training was very instrumental in equipping the delegation members on how best they need to prepare themselves before, during and after the Durban IATF.

CAWEE is very grateful for the generous support of GIZ AU Program Support to AfCFTA, in organizing this training and also fully sponsoring the delegation members and CAWEE’s team to take part at the Durban IATF.