ACCESS! 2015 Trainings Launched

Based on the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that CAWEE signed with ITC, preparations were made to launch ACCESS! Trainings. The first round of training took place on Dec 23rd 2015, followed by a second round on Dec 30th at the Mosaic Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.​


​The first training, Dec 23rd-26th, focused on the topic of “Export Readiness”. The training was geared towards​ equipping CAWEE’s member institutions with the appropriate knowledge needed to enter into the international export market. The attendees were companies involved in manufacturing of leather products, gemstone production, textile and weaving and fashion design, among others. While some of these institutions have already started exporting their products, others are trying to make themselves ready for export. The training therefore provided an excellent opportunity for the trainees to network with one another, as well learn from each other’s experiences. Some of the topics covered in the training included business strategy for export, building production capabilities, costing and pricing etc. The trainees were thus enabled to carefully assess their own readiness to engage in the export market and set in place the needed plans going forward.​

Trainees of ACCESS! 2nd Round 2015​

In addition to the training on Export Readiness, second round training was organized on the topic of “Communication and​ Negotiation Skills” on Dec 30th& 31stat the Mosaic Hotel. The main goal of the training was to allow business owners to maximize their potential and better engage with prospective and current buyers/customers, both locally and abroad.

In addition to the training on communication and negotiation, the topic of time management was given due attention in the two day long training. Participants got the opportunity to work on case studies of negotiation techniques, to help trainees internalized the discussions and materials covered during the two day sessions.